Yoga and Mindfulness

Providing the Tools for Children’s Health,
Happiness and Well-Being

Research shows that there are numerous important benefits to teaching yoga and mindfulness to young children. It not only helps children achieve academically, it improves their overall physical and mental health, as well as their happiness and sense of well-being.

The KinderQ™ Yoga Program

Children learn yoga in a fun, playful way through yoga poses, stories, games, and songs. These activities teach children positive ways to channel their energy, and improve their body control, flexibility, and coordination.

KinderQ™ Mindfulness Activities

Yoga and MindfulnessMindfulness refers to a state of calmness and focused awareness that is attained when the body and mind are relaxed and stilled. Children learn how to achieve this state through such mindfulness practices as deep breathing, meditation, and guided visualizations. This provides children with important tools to combat the stress and anxiety that many of them feel as they grow in our modern society. Mindfulness has also been proven to:

  • Boost optimism and resiliency
  • Strengthen impulse control and emotional regulation
  • Reduce aggression and acting-out behaviours
  • Increase compassion and empathy
  • Heighten concentration and focus
  • Improve academic learning
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